We are off to a new Season, Season 3, of our Global Summitry Project’s Podcast Series.
These are the Series: the ‘Shaking the Global Order Series’, the ‘Summit Dialogue Series and the Now Series. These podcasts can also be found at Spotify and Apple Podcast.
The ‘Shaking the Global Order’ series focuses on the state of global order and looking particularly at: US-China relations, the US and its partners and allies and Middle Powers and Middle Power Diplomacy. Publications and research of the China-West Dialogue (CWD) appears here as well .
The ‘Summit Dialogue’ Series focuses on multilateralism, and the Rise of the Informals including: the G7, the G20, the BRICS+
The ‘Now’ Series examines the current aspects of international relations including: International Organizations – the UN and the specialized agencies of the UN and the IFIs including the IMF, World Bank, the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and, finally, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Feel free to go back to listen to the earlier Seasons. The podcasts can be found at GSP but also on Spotify, and on Apple Podcasts.