Alan S. Alexandroff

Alan S Alexandroff is currently the Director of the Global Summitry Project and teaches at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, the University of Toronto. Dr. Alexandroff leads efforts designed to evaluate the adequacy and evolution of global summitry and the institutional and policy proposals in the global order.

Following the editing of, Can the World be Governed? Possibilities for Effective Multilateralism (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008), a second volume co-edited with Andrew F. Cooper has been published, Rising States; Rising Institutions: Challenges for Global Governance (Brookings Institution Press, 2010) More recently Dr. Alexandroff has become a Senior Editor, along with Donald Brean, of the Rotman School of Management, of Oxford University Press’s Global Summitry: Politics, Economics and Law in International Governance. Dr. Alexandroff focuses on the problems of the global order and the major actors and their arrangements that influence global governance.

Dr. Alexandroff received his B.A., cum laude with distinction in all subjects from Cornell University,an M.A. and Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University, an M.A. in International History from the London School of Political Science and Economics and an L.L.B. from McGill Law School.

Yves Tiberghien

Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia.

He is also a Faculty Associate at the Center for Chinese Research, at the Center for Japanese Research, and at the Institute for European Studies at UBC, as well as a Research Associate at Science Po Paris and at the Asia Centre (Paris).

Colin Bradford

Colin Bradford

Colin Bradford (Ph.D Columbia University, 1970) is the Lead Co-Chair of the China-West Dialogue (2019 – present), a Global Fellow of the Berlin Global Solutions Initiative (2019-2022), a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution (2003-present), and Co-Chair of Vision 20 (V20) (2017-present). 


Amara Phillips

Amara Phillips

Amara is a current research assistant for the GSP. She is a recent dual degree graduate from the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in Toronto and the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin with a Masters of Global Affairs and a Masters of International Affairs, respectively. She graduated with an honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto in 2021 with a double major in political science and ethics, society and law, and a minor in Spanish and Portuguese. Amara is academically and professionally interested in human rights and development, as well a security challenges that exist within these disciplines from a global perspective.

Deanndre You-Jieh Chen

Deanndre You-Jieh Chen

Deanndre is a research assistant at the GSP. She is also an affiliate at the Edgelands Institute, an organization that explores how the digitalization of urban security is changing the urban social contract. Deanndre is interested in food sovereignty, wellbeing approaches to development, and promoting multi-scalar global governance. She holds a Master of Global Affairs from the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto, an M.A. in International Relations and a B.A. with Joint Honours in International Relations and Political Studies from the University of the Witswatersrand.

Tammy Cheng

Tammy Cheng Headshot

Tammy is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce degree in the Rotman Commerce program at the University of Toronto. She specializes in management with a focus on strategy & innovation and international business as well as a minor in economics. At the Global Summitry Project, Tammy is a research and digital associate responsible for expanding the Project’s online presence and preparing articles for publication. Outside of work, Tammy enjoys travelling and reading.

Yalda Shabestari


Yalda is working towards a Bachelor of Commerce degree in the Rotman Commerce program at the University of Toronto. She is specializing in the Management field with focuses in Data Science, Strategy and Innovation, and International Business. Alongside her specialist, she is also pursuing a minor in economics. At GSP, Yalda is responsible for website development. Outside of work, Yalda enjoys listening to music and travelling.