It is a pleasure to welcome back Tom Wright to the ‘Now’ Series to review the United Kingdom and Ireland’s responses to the pandemic. Tom remains the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution and a senior fellow there on the Project on International Order and Strategy. Tom has been very busy on examining Europe’s responses to Covid-19 as well as the Trump Administration’s response. He has also been closely following U.S.-China relations and the Trump efforts to ‘call-out’ China’s pandemic responses.
This podcast is one in a series in the ‘Now’ series on various responses to the pandemic including: Matthew Goodman from CSIS on the G20 response, Torrey Taussig from the Belfer Center at Harvard on Europe, and Oliver Della Costa Stuenkel from FGV on Brazil and Latin America.
Tom has been very active writing on contemporary politics and the impact of Trump on American foreign policy. He continues his writing in The Atlantic magazine on what Democratic Party foreign policy might be for the upcoming Presidential 2020 contest. Tom’s most recent book is on U.S. foreign policy, titled, “All Measures Short of War: The Contest For the 21st Century and the Future of American Power” published by Yale University Press in May 2017.